A News Feed is a page type that lets you order a large number of chronologically ordered items where people are interested in the most recent items first.
You can utilise this for a formal latest news structure to hold press releases and the like, or a blog to post your thoughts on whatever is appropriate.
InForm utilises a plugin architecture for the way that the latest stories are shown so you can tailor the presentation to your writing style and posting frequency. If your designer specifies a style that isn't supported out of the box, then it is easy to add in custom styles for your site.
You can configure InForm to make RSS feeds available for your news feeds as required so that your users can subscribe to updates.
You can create as many feeds as you like at whatever position you like in the information hierarchy so if you have different styles of news that are appropriate to different users then you can separate them out.
Once you have created your news feeds then you can embed feeds into any document on any other page letting you syndicate the latest items out to the home page, or to create pages which amalgamate the content from your different news feeds into a single listing.