Website Launches!

The more observant amongst you will have noticed that has had 3 static pages of HTML for their website for some time (more like 5 years!). This is obviously totally unacceptable, but we have been kept busy building sites and services for clients. However, today we fix this by launching a new InForm deployment to describe what does and how what services they can provide.

This has been a very constructive process for us, because aside from helping to throw the whole development process of a website into clearer focus (we have previously tended to see one side of the process as developers), it has also made me realise quite how painfully difficult it is to write content about oneself.

The content on the site is "good enough" for now, but we will be improving it and fleshing it out over time to provide more details and supporting documents to help people know how they can work with us. After all, as I have been telling people for years, a website is a process rather than a static entity...

We will also be upgrading the visual presentation of the site as we go because this will be a good testbed for the incremental redesign functionality available inside InForm.

I will be using this site as a showcase of the functionality available in InForm so will be adding in examples of all of the features and extending it as the platform is upgraded, and I'll announce the new examples on this news feed so subscribe to the RSS feed and stay in the loop...

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